Tuesday 14 March 2017

Blushwood Berry and EBC-46

Over the years I've come across loads of supposed cancer cures, most of which are proved not to cure cancer, so I was kind of sceptical when I chanced across this its a tree called Blushwood from Queensland, Australia. Scientists have extracted a component from the berry of the tree which they have named EBC-46 which has been proven to kill cancer tumours. So far they have tested it successfully on animals and have just started using it in clinical trials on humans. The cancers that have responded to this drug or skin, colon, breast, head and neck. It works by making the white blood cells within the body react to the tumour and kill it. Here's a couple of links and info I've found out on this, I have to say from what I've read online it seems very promising certainly brings hope. In fact in Australia people have been trying to extract there own cancer fighting drug from the plant and stories are circulating that they have been poisoning themselves!  to which I have to chime in with isn't chemo a poison? and doesn't chemo derive from a plant?

Big pharmaceutical companies won't like that a berry could potentially blow them out of the water leaving them high and dry and not making the billions they do out of cancer treatments, that don't work. Just saying....

