Monday 30 December 2013


Apologies in advance to anyone reading this it is a bit of a downer and at xmas so if you don't want your happy bubble to burst I would recommend not reading it, but hey thats life and I feel the need to get this out of my system and share it.

Oh my God is a phrase we all use these day's its used to exclaim your shock at something usually something trivial but today I received an email from Chris Woollams of CancerActive to which I used the phrase OMG and not on something trivial! This simple line was what made me exclaim it "infection as a cause of cancer" the article looks into the possible link between either parasites or infection as a trigger for cancer here's a link to the article the reason why this was an OMG moment, because just prior to my own dx I had a virus a bad virus the doctor was called out and I was given a shot to stop me being sick I was very ill for a couple of months then early in the following year I was dx with breast cancer so you see why this is an OMG moment I believe this is what triggered my cells to mutate and that I was just plain unlucky. When I dwell on this thought I feel intrinsically that this is the cause for me anyway.

Weirdly enough this year I am again plagued by a bad virus started off with all the expected symptoms of a bad cold/flu sore throat, nose blowing, shivering, feeling hot cold and generally out of sorts infact its got so bad I went to the Dr just before xmas and he confirmed that I do indeed have a very bad lung infection to which penicillin has been prescribed, whilst the anti biotics are starting to kick in I still feel really ill and now have the added gastric gut pain. I haven't been able to go away for xmas as planned, I haven't seen any of my family or friends not only because I don't feel well enough to travel but also because I don't want any of them to catch it. So spent yesterday on the sofa just me and the cats, no xmas diner for me just a bowl of soup as have no food in because we didn't plan on being here. Its been another shit xmas, next year I wont get my hopes up like I did this year and should of known that something was going to go wrong although I didn't bank on it being my fucking body again. So there it is everyone a not so merry xmas for me and unfortunately I'm probably not the only one to feel this way on xmas day, thankfully I've woken up to blue skies and some sunshine on Boxing Day.

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