Wednesday 14 December 2011

Wake-up call

So today is a better day than yesterday but all days are like one for me all of them I am eternally grateful for. Thats my affirmation for today in fact it should be for everyday forever. Feeling sorry for myself and my lack of boob until I chanced upon a conversation with a young lady who after having her baby last year found out she had breast cancer with secondaries in her liver and bones (they thought her backache was due to her being pregnant) (cancer is a sneaky shit) all at the tender age of 29, (she never smoked, or drank) you always think your lot is the worst but there is always someone worse off than yourself this was my wake up call it made me sit up and listen and stop all the self pity and why me questions, shake yourself down and get on with the business of living.

The only worry with this particular girl is that she hasn't looked into anything to help herself she's just doing what the dr's and oncologist tell her, ok so I listen to them I also inform them of anything else I might be taking so as it does not interfere with the prescribed drugs, I have been researching breast cancer ever since diagnoses and feel this will be a lifelong practice, I've changed so much since getting this bull shit, no more sugar, no more tea and coffee, no more adding estrogen rich processed foods, and no alcohol (I was t-total anyway), never been overweight. Fresh veg/fruit juice daily with plenty of organic wheatgrass, broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumber, apple, pear I drink a pint of it everyday and find it does fill me up apparently upping your intake of veg can make tamoxifen work more effectively.

Had my first Epsom Salt Bath dry brushed first then took a lovely long dip and feel fantastic, honestly to look at me I look the picture of health which is quite ironic really.

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