Tuesday 19 February 2013

Oncologist appointments and a Head Scan...

Firstly I would like to get my most recent moan out of the way, last friday I went for my 3 monthly onc appointment, I waited for an unprecedented 3 hours!!!! when I did finally get into see the onc it wasn't my onc. it was another onc. and he hadn't had time to read through my notes so I had too relay my whole sad and sorry tale all over again, annoyed and upset I left not feeling very confident about my team or the hospital.

Some readers will already know about my struggle with the monthly migraines that I used to suffer, I say used to suffer because unfortunately they have now turned into twice weekly occurrences, this is just two to many migraines so at my oncologist appointment informed them of the headaches and now am awaiting an appointment time for a MRI of my head, I am pleased about this mainly because every time I get a headache I tend too think that there is something more sinister going on this only exasperates the headaches even more, I need some closure on the migraine situation and an MRI is probably a good way too go.

After writing all of the above I have now found out why my own oncologist was unable to see he has been fighting his own battle with Liver Cancer for the past 6 months, this was news to me no one at the hospital has told me of this I found out this morning from the nurse that gives me Herceptin at home, too say I was shocked is an understatement I feel for my poor prof and wish him well, this news has decided me, I am definitely going to change hospitals as the oncologist I saw on Friday was in fact his replacement and whilst I appreciate how busy the new prof is and I don't doubt his abilities or his skill I feel that the oncology dept at my hospital is now very over subscribed this is part of the problem so many people needing treatment and appointments and not enough Dr's or staff. So as we are looking to move up to Somerset anyway and have decided to change hospitals and with it the team to the highly recommended Taunton Hospital apparently it has a new specially built cancer unit and I've found out I can still have Herceptin at home.

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