Monday 13 August 2012

Words of wisdom from across the pond

Since I had left the british Breast cancer care site I have moved over to using the American site, its a lot easier to use and actually works properly. I found this posted after a comment I made and found it touched somewhere deep inside and spoke to me of a truth I had been missing.

I have to share some of the pastor's sermon from this morning. The message was that practicing an activity over and over makes us better at it; practicing good makes us better at being good, practicing bad makes us better at being bad. 

The other part of the message was that it's OK to be angry - but interpreted as "being outraged at wrongs" - such as injustice, poverty, etc. It should prompt us to address the wrongs to help those who are unable to stand up for themselves. 

So, I know that by sharing experiences, loving kindness, and acceptance of each others' experiences, we are practicing "doing good" and we are sharing the outrage at the injustice of breast cancer and its effects, and hopefully helping all of us to get through it. 

Another snippet from our friends across the pond, this puts it all in perspective putting the pieces together in a coherent way, facing the reality that is.

After time has past, in my opinion, it doesn't matter what you eat, drink, breath, absorb, worry, gene-pool-inherit, nor-where you live at any one point, "unless you live near a nuclear reactor", that it makes a-sceric of difference why this mutation occurs, its the Zillion $$ question, It maybe simply that all or some of the above needs to cross paths at the same time, in order for the mutant-dual-receptor-mutation to take place, and maybe add the stress-factor scenario, immune-suppressor to miss one of our own cells running over-time....Im guessing one day researcher will find a simple explanation for this and it may-well of been sitting right under our noises all the time !!!
Love and light xx

1 comment:

  1. hey hun, Im outraged at breast cancer for both of us, we are entitled to be angry at this devil for invading our lives :-(

    I know the BCC website is really messed up, its such a shame as we had such a great community on there and many of us have found other support groups, many of us went over to FB I recognise so many girls from there on the group im in (are you in it at all?)

    Keeping on blogging ( i have to update mine, im being very lazy) lol

