Monday 27 May 2013

Regression Therapy..........

Just got back from a 2 hour appointment with a lovely lady called Sue Minns writer of the excellent book 'Bodies and Soul's.' The appointment was for Regression Therapy and I will detail what happened.

Arrived feeling a little apprehensive but positive about being there initially we discussed my problem(s) which I don't feel able to share with you quite yet but can confirm that she knew about my breast cancer and the shingles after about 3 quarters of an hour discussing she then invited me to pick cards from 2 decks which showed I was indeed at a crucial point on my journey through this life I picked a card that depicted a bridge meaning transitional cross roads then I picked a card that had books on it this  was in direct relation to my creativity and I took this too mean writing after this I was asked to lie down on her couch and get comfortable I was taken through a lot of relaxation techniques and then guided by her into my own psyche and into my past lives or past of this life. I was surprised by what happened next when asked what do you see I could relay what I now know to be a village by the Ganges in India, I was an elderly lady of about 100! dressed in a midnight blue sari, my hands were withered and my bare feet were equally worn, I was surrounded by water containers and the magnificent Ganges River. The lady's name was Medina/medina/medena something of that nature and when asked what her life was like she said "hard"then I was propelled further to another significant point in Medina's life it was her death she was lying on her bed in a small mud hut construction not many people around her when asked how she felt she said "relief" and I get the impression that she was glad to go. Ironically for someone so spiritual I have never ever once wanted or felt the urge to go to India, I now know why!!!! I have been experiencing artist block and wanted to ask how I could remove the block and flow, Medina told me that all I had too do was ask for her help and she would be there that she was always there holding my hand and guiding me, she sent much love to me, by this time I was in tears running down my face but they were good tears, tears of relief. She also mentioned that creativity was like a magic spark.  By now you might of guessed that Medina is not a separate entity she is part of me, she is me in a previous lifetime I have too tell you that whilst I was experiencing the reality that was Medina's life/body all my other sense's were heightened, I could smell the river and the dusty musty smell of a hot country with hints of exotic spice and incense wafting around it was as if I was actually there, utterly remarkable, I found the whole experience both cathartic and at the same time highly emotionally charged.

So what does all this say about me and my life now I hear you ask quite simply I need to embrace myself, nurture my creativity and ASK for help or guidance, reach out to the other side, if I do this then I feel that I'm finally going in the right direction. Others that showed up were my Grandmother Ellen my old cat Minnie and a raven called Caroq. I have noticed that a very large crow/raven shows up in my back garden everyday, he sits in the tree looking directly at me at first I thought this was a bad omen but it turns out that I was a witch in a previous lifetime and that bird and cat were my familiars if your interested in this then please follow this link that explains more The black fluffy cat Minnie has accompanied me through lots of different lives.

Love and light to you all
Sarah xxxx

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