Monday 20 May 2013

Shingles Shit....

So now I've got Shingles and its quite bad unfortunately I thought I had been bitten by some nasty beastie but instead it turned out to be shingles and its all over my lefthand side torso and belly area, I've also woke up with a raging migraine and a stiff neck, all in all pretty fucking shit! When will this ever end!!! honestly I wonder, I juice organic green veg juice daily and drink about a pint of the stuff, then I take about 20 different supplements and I thought this was making my immune system stronger how wrong can you be! Apparently my immune system is on its arse!! Sometimes I wonder why I'm bothering with all this health stuff, why I don't just let nature take its course. Feel depressed and pissed off so went to the shop and bought a load of sweets including chocolate and biscuits also a loaf of white bread all the naughty stuff that I've given up thinking it would do me good. So I say two fingers up to that and bring on the yummy junk food, at least for now, I'm in desperate need of cheering up. x
p.s. apparently shingles can make you depressed oh the joy!!!

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