Saturday 18 February 2012

The Secret.....ummmm

Here's a pet peeve of mine at the moment, having just read another breast cancer survivors blog post I was reading the comments and quite a few people were talking about the book and film 'The Secret' people commented on her post which to be fair to her was pretty awful, she has secondary breast cancer and she is very young, the offending comments were telling her to stay positive, the secret teaches us that we are what we think ie: the old saying 'be careful what you wish for it might come true' that thoughts are almighty powerful and can give us cancer if we think long and hard about it!!!! Complete madness I am sure none of us suffering with this disease thought I know I'd like to get cancer!!! Yeah right like anybody would think such a thing, again I think people are trying to be helpful by offering 'the secret' as a possible solution and that we really must stay positive even when we are up against it. Well you can't get much more up against it than a cancer diagnoses, terrifying anxiety, fear, death and thoughts of dying are only natural given the circumstances and I'm certainly not gonna beat myself up about it. Another thing is what about the babies and children that get cancer, babies can't think themselves into cancer can they!! I don't think I even contemplated terminal illness when I was a child in fact I don't think children do think about death and dying, they are too busy learning and enjoying life. I have read the book and spent about 8 months thinking good positive thoughts (your supposed to be able to think yourself rich and successful ha) that was just before my diagnoses and look where it got me, don't get me wrong being positive is good for the mind and body but you don't always get what you want or need I think luck plays a major part in it, end of rant.

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